Thursday, December 27, 2012

Furnace Safety Tips

Keeping warm this winter is important for your family and your home. While your furnace may be getting more use then usual we have a couple of safety tips to keep in mind in these winter months.

Keep Flammable Objects at a Distance

The area in and around you furnace should be clear of any flammable objects. When the furnace is operation the outside surfaces of the furnace become very hot and some materials may become very hot if they are in contact or near the furnace during operation. Keep things like papers, sawdust, old rags and flammable liquids away from the furnace.

Change your Filter Frequently

This tip is especially important for a couple of reasons.  If you filter is clogged it will not only cost you more money to run your system but blocking the air flow in home or office. If you airflow is blocked it could even damage your HVAC equipment and lead to expensive repair costs.

Install a carbon Monoxide Detector

Even if you have taken all the precautions possible with your furnace and heating system, it never hurts to be safe. Make sure you install carbon monoxide detectors on ever level of your home or office and test them yearly to make sure you are protected.

Annual Professional Furnace Tune Up

While these tips will help you keep your furnace and heating system going annual professional tune up is highly recommended. Our Planned Maintenance Program will pay for itself many times over in the reduction of repair costs and added longevity of your HVAC equipment.

For more furnace safety tips and to schedule your inspection of your heating system call Cool-O-Matic.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Before You Call. Furnace Checklist

It may be your first reaction to call you HVAC specialist Cool-o-Matic when you furnace is not producing heat. While there may be no heat coming out the vent there may be a very simple solution why. Here are some things to look at before you call:

Check the thermostat – Make sure your thermostat is set for heat and is at least at 68 F and above to make sure the temperature is set high enough for the furnace to turned on.

Check your circuit breaker – If the furnace is not turning up you may have tripped the circuit breaker or blown a fuse.  There should be one breaker dedicated to your heating system for you home or office. Check the breaker box to see if this is your problem. If the problem persists give us a call.

See if you furnace is igniting properly – If you have a older had furnace be sure to see if the pilot igniting the correct way.  Also check the gas valve to make sure it is in good working order.

If you have gone through this checklist and your furnace is still isn’t producing heat don’t hesitate to call Cool-o-Matic at

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What is Ductless HVAC

Well it’s exactly what it sounds like it- heating and cooling without the ducts that go through out your home or office. These units are mounted per area or room and are truly amazing. Offering excellent ways to zone areas of your home that could not have been done before. Also taking advantage of the energy savings have never been easier with the how efficiency these new units are. Also with these units being inside you would expect them to be noise but it is quite the opposite. In some cases a ductless unit may only run at 19dBa. About as loud as a computer fan. Installation of these units is quick and can be installed in less than a day in most cases. Since there is no ductwork, just mounting the unit and running power is what is required most of the time.

Ductless Benefits
• Ease of installation
• No ductwork needed
• Flexibility in design space
• Zoning capability
• Low sound

Thursday, December 13, 2012

HVAC Theft. How to protect yourself.

After reading this story it we wanted make sure we posted something about this.  Copper theft from HVAC has become more of issue lately with copper scrap price at an all time high. Some studies have reported an increase as much as 57 percent in theft across the country. The value of copper has risen as much as 400 percent since 2000. Which has made the theft of copper an easy money solution for most. HVAC units are easy targets and home and business owners need to take adequate measures. 

Alarm systems, Protective cages, Fences and Shrubbery may be the difference between you broken HVAC unit that could cost you money. Below are some ideas for different solutions that could protect your investment. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Maintenance Required

Here's a picture of a heat exchanger we found in a unit.  Even minor cracks in these can result in the release of deadly carbon monoxide into the air in your home or business.  A huge hole like this is a major problem and safety hazard!

Make sure you are having your fossil fuel heating equipment checked annually by a qualified contractor.  Call us today at (908) 722-1400 or visit our website at to discuss maintenance options!