Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Safety Tips - Space Heater #3

Electrical Connections
Are the electrical connections on your space heater broken or corroded? If they are you should have a professional fix it or upgrade to a new space heater for your heating needs. Without proper flow of electricity from the outlet its possible that sparks and surges can occur causing a fire hazard. It’s not worth the risk to let even a small tear in the wire go. Be safe and inspect your unit before using it. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Safety Tips - Space Heater #2

Keep objects at least 4 feet away from the heat source to make sure that a fire does not start. Also keep small children and pets away from the space when in operation. The metal grill on the front of space heaters is likely very hot and could cause burns if skin comes into contact with it. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Safety Tips - Space Heater #1

Space heats are a great way to warm your home while taking some of the workload off your HVAC unit. Understanding how to safely use space heaters will prevent such a disaster from happening to you and your family like a fire.

Never Leave a Space Heater Unattended
A no brainer but it happens all the time. Fact is that once you leave a space heater unattended your not there to prevent harm coming to your home if something were to go wrong. Always be mindful to turn off a space heater when you leave the room for a period of time.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Remodeling HVAC Tips #4

Pay Extra Attention to Your Air Filter
No matter what happens you will have to replace your air filter but extra care should be taken to check your filter when work is being done around the house because of the extra dust and dirt in the air. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Remodeling HVAC Tips #3

Frequently Clean Your Work Area
Dust go places you couldn’t imagine before you started work on your home. Be sure to sweep and vacuum the work area to prevent a mess from getting out of hand. Also it would also help to seal up areas where there are vents for your HVAC system.