Thursday, January 3, 2013

Natural Gas VS Electric Heating

When building a new home or looking into a new heating system this may become and issue. Most homes are heated by either electricity or natural gas. The important thing to remember is that there are advantages and disadvantages with both choices.

How Does it Work?
While both choices effectively heat you’re home well natural gas and electric heating works completely different from each other. An electric heater uses standard electricity from the power grid to heat an element. When air runs past this element the air becomes warm and this is distributed throughout the home.
If your home has a gas heater then your heater uses a pilot light.  A pilot light clicks on and ignites the gas; therefore, causing the production of a small flame. This fire is then used to warm the home.

Careful consideration should be taken to find out how much electric costs or gas in your area to help you find out how much it will cost to heat your home. In most cases gas will be your best bet for low cost in the long run. With a HVAC system tuned up and running with a fresh filter the price of gas of electricity can be low.

Other Considerations
In order for a home to be heated through natural gas, it must have a gas line running into it. Not only is this a time-consuming process, but it’s also expensive. However, the lowered cost of heating may prove to be well worth the small investment of running a gas line in the future.

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