Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Top 3 Energy-Wasting Mistakes Made By Homeowners

No house is airtight and chances are that it escapes somehow and someway. If you own a big or smaller home it is very important to notice where areas that have escaping air are fixed. Below are the # biggest thermal energy wasting mistakes that a homeowner can make.

Not Adjusting Thermostat When Leaving The House

Adjusting the thermostat is a easy but very forgettable task that can save you money throughout the year.  If you going on vacation you may be so busy packing clothes and getting the kids out the door but take a moment to make sure the thermostat is set to a energy efficient setting. Changing your normal temperature to some 10-degree difference can help save you money for your not going to be in the house for a long period of time.
Leaving Windows Cracked

Yes even a small crack of a window can let out that thermal energy. No matter if its summer or winter the smallest of cracks can let air out and have your HVAC system working a little more then could be and that can cost you money. Insure that you check all your windows to make sure your not letting money fly out the window with your heating or cooling system on.

Using Space Heaters in Fall or Spring

During the transition between summer to fall or winter to spring some homeowner use space heats. The inexpensive and effective units are a great way to provide heat in a room or space. However you should always make sure that you turn them off after use to make sure your not being counter productive with your HVAC system running.

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